Sunday, September 8, 2013

Momma is half-a-century

To the amazing person that is ... my mother! ♥

She's a great Momma who has always looked after me, took care of me and always made sure I was happy ... and she still does. :) My Momma has been through a lot and all I want is to see her happy.

For her birthday this year (which was a big one!) we went to The Harp. We haven't been in awhile and they always have good food (big portions at that!) for a decent price.

As for gifts, she's really hard to shop for. She always tends to buy things for herself before her birthday and I was either going to buy it or had already bought it. This year, I bought two board games ... Both Big Bang Theory which is a show we all adore in this house.

Big Bang Theory Clue sounds like so much fun because this whodunnit is who touched Sheldon's things! I'll most likely be Penny since I'm usually (and always) Ms. Scarlett and of course, Penny is red! As for the Party Game, I'm not quite sure what that game entails since the description wasn't very descriptive. But nonetheless, I'm excited to play this one too! I hope it's as fun as the Trivia Game of BBT we got for Christmas!

Mom's dessert request was for me to make her a German Chocolate Cake :) It's not a true cake, as it only has 2 layers compared the the 3 it should have, but since we have a small family, 2 will do. It came out super yummy and I was quite pleased with the outcome!

I hope my Momma had a lovely birthday :) Her Patriots won today, so that was a good present from them as well :)


  1. Happy birthday to your momma!! Love the pics. OMG, that cake looks fantastic. :P

    1. :) Thank you! It was amazing! I love German Chocolate cake! So yummy! <3
