1. Favorite breakfast food
If I'm out and it's on the menu, Eggs Benedict or French Toast. If I'm home and in the mood, Pancakes. If I'm not in the mood, some kind of cereal lol
2. Best way to spend a free day
Running some errands if I have to, but most of all, catching up on rest, reading and my many TV shows.
3. Airline ticket to anywhere in the world....where would you go and why?
Australia! :D I would really love to meet my bff & her little baby boy <3 My second choice would be to Texas so I can see a Dallas game live in their stadium
4. You can only leave the house with one thing...what is it?
If it's a fire or other emergency, my fuzzy babies. <3 If it's just any ordinary day, my fully loaded purse. ;)
5. How do you take your coffee?
From Dunkin, Caramel & Cream (unless I'm in the mood for Pumpkin or Peppermint Mocha). At home, it's already flavored, so just cream/milk :)
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